Harvard Facts & Figures

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News & Updates

  • Harvard’s First Data Governance Portal (DGP) Launched
    An internal portal Harvard staff is now available: https://hu.sharepoint.com/sites/datagovernance Use this portal (DGP) to learn more about Harvard’s University-Wide Data Governance…
  • HUPD Data Dashboard Released
    The Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) and OIRA collaborated on the latest update to the HUPD dashboard, a website dedicated to documenting departmental…
  • New OIRA Website Launched
    Facts and figures about Harvard University and historical data on enrollment, degrees conferred, and faculty and staff headcounts are now provided…

Data & Analytics Community

staff viewing data

Analytics Staff Consortium

The ASC was formed with the goal of connecting Harvard analysts and providing resources to a growing professional community.

Smith Campus Center building exterior

Resources for Analysts

Useful resources and links for institutional research, analytics and assessment professionals.

Havard campus buildings

HU Institutional Research (HUIR) Group

A space for connecting Harvard staff working in institutional research across Schools; HUIR meets once per term. Contact us for more information.