by School | by School & Award | Historical Trends

Degree Student Financial Assistance by School

Degree Student Financial Assistance by School
FY2023 Award Type as a Percent of Total
Grant Loan Job Total Aid
College 91.5% 5.1% 3.4% 100.0%
GSAS 74.4% 1.4% 24.3% 100.0%
Business 48.4% 51.6% 0.0% 100.0%
Dental 32.8% 67.2% 0.0% 100.0%
Design 72.0% 25.5% 2.5% 100.0%
Divinity 77.9% 15.8% 6.3% 100.0%
Education 57.2% 41.1% 1.7% 100.0%
Government 60.0% 40.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Law 36.5% 62.8% 0.7% 100.0%
Medical 67.8% 32.2% 0.0% 100.0%
Public Health 65.8% 33.7% 0.6% 100.0%
Extension 29.0% 71.0% 0.0% 100.0%
University Total 69.1% 22.9% 8.0% 100.0%
College loan percentage includes parental loans.
Source: OIRA Financial Aid Data Collection

Last updated 2/23/24 | Download PDF of this Table

Degree Student Financial Assistance by School and Award

Degree Student Financial Assistance by School, Award Source and Award Type
FY2023 ($ in 000s)
Grant Loan1 Job Grand Total
Institution Federal Outside Total Institution Federal Outside Total Institution Federal Total
College $235,509 $18,976 $12,211 $266,697 $4,248 $6,611 $3,930 $14,789 $9,494 $510 $10,004 $291,490
GSAS $181,617 $32,172 $5,866 $219,656 $34 $1,258 $2,821 $4,113 $51,657 $19,995 $71,652 $295,421
Business2 $46,755 $0 $8,641 $55,396 $70 $8,771 $50,309 $59,151 $0 $0 $0 $114,546
Dental $2,064 $0 $2,797 $4,861 $272 $9,117 $554 $9,943 $0 $0 $0 $14,804
Design $18,526 $83 $1,384 $19,992 $140 $6,097 $833 $7,069 $208 $479 $688 $27,749
Divinity $8,946 $114 $358 $9,418 $0 $1,901 $9 $1,910 $0 $765 $765 $12,093
Education $13,604 $16 $1,528 $15,148 $10 $8,976 $1,905 $10,890 $0 $455 $455 $26,494
Government $31,637 $2,828 $8,138 $42,603 $301 $8,933 $19,198 $28,432 $0 $0 $0 $71,036
Law $28,846 $4,857 $7,115 $40,817 $6,379 $26,463 $37,304 $70,145 $727 $0 $727 $111,690
Medical $26,627 $3,327 $3,331 $33,285 $1,537 $12,897 $1,390 $15,823 $0 $0 $0 $49,108
Public Health $9,609 $497 $8,323 $18,429 $122 $7,189 $2,122 $9,432 $0 $164 $164 $28,025
Extension $2,413 $1,623 $13 $4,049 $0 $8,880 $1,021 $9,900 $0 $0 $0 $13,949
University Total $606,154 $64,493 $59,704 $730,351 $13,113 $107,091 $121,395 $241,599 $62,087 $22,368 $84,454 $1,056,404
Source: OIRA Financial Aid Data Collection.
1 FY2023 College loans include $7,922,463 in parental loans.
2 FY2023 Businees excludes $15,823,985 in outside employee support.

Last updated 2/23/24 | Download PDF of this Table

Degree Student Financial Assistance by School and Award Type
FY2014-FY2023 ($ in 000s)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Grant $181,636 $181,412 $185,570 $192,649 $205,697 $215,391 $226,900 $186,365 $255,580 $266,697
Job $6,604 $6,477 $7,899 $7,086 $8,713 $8,845 $7,000 $1,432 $9,972 $10,004
Loan $11,422 $11,513 $11,361 $11,669 $12,204 $12,278 $11,891 $6,037 $11,235 $14,789
Total $199,662 $199,402 $204,830 $211,404 $226,613 $236,514 $245,791 $193,833 $276,787 $291,490
Grant $151,314 $155,322 $157,505 $175,364 $180,258 $194,663 $208,476 $215,019 $215,575 $219,656
Job $42,540 $44,876 $47,461 $51,526 $51,574 $56,416 $58,429 $63,846 $67,937 $71,652
Loan $1,591 $1,048 $1,239 $1,037 $1,833 $1,882 $1,771 $1,273 $3,558 $4,113
Total $195,445 $201,247 $206,205 $227,926 $233,665 $252,961 $268,676 $280,137 $287,071 $295,421
Grant $38,394 $41,182 $42,480 $42,591 $47,579 $47,739 $47,990 $42,492 $47,503 $55,396
Job $1
Loan $41,074 $41,716 $42,618 $44,420 $44,794 $43,508 $45,623 $33,128 $46,400 $59,151
Total $79,468 $82,900 $85,098 $87,010 $92,373 $91,246 $93,613 $75,620 $93,903 $114,546
Grant $3,023 $3,597 $3,233 $3,599 $1,880 $4,401 $4,177 $4,407 $4,988 $4,861
Loan $8,054 $8,573 $9,059 $9,303 $8,674 $8,718 $9,905 $10,275 $9,462 $9,943
Total $11,077 $12,170 $12,292 $12,902 $10,554 $13,119 $14,082 $14,682 $14,450 $14,804
Grant $14,271 $14,747 $14,894 $16,284 $17,731 $18,393 $19,345 $18,063 $19,133 $19,992
Job $479 $529 $1,889 $1,804 $499 $636 $602 $652 $686 $688
Loan $9,880 $9,129 $7,731 $7,335 $7,198 $8,196 $7,344 $4,884 $7,181 $7,069
Total $24,630 $24,406 $24,515 $25,423 $25,429 $27,224 $27,291 $23,598 $27,000 $27,749
Grant $7,742 $7,797 $7,479 $7,140 $7,371 $6,179 $6,776 $7,461 $9,097 $9,418
Job $580 $529 $659 $605 $938 $845 $814 $474 $740 $765
Loan $2,319 $2,402 $2,265 $2,069 $2,395 $1,926 $1,650 $1,186 $1,880 $1,910
Total $10,641 $10,728 $10,403 $9,813 $10,705 $8,949 $9,240 $9,120 $11,717 $12,093
Grant $16,126 $15,869 $16,004 $16,158 $16,851 $17,911 $16,263 $17,605 $15,341 $15,148
Job $466 $415 $3,673 $2,757 $414 $427 $880 $675 $546 $455
Loan $12,389 $12,118 $12,813 $12,730 $13,310 $12,941 $11,172 $14,204 $13,688 $10,890
Total $28,981 $28,402 $32,490 $31,646 $30,575 $31,279 $28,315 $32,484 $29,575 $26,494
Grant $28,750 $30,872 $32,862 $31,958 $33,587 $33,985 $33,923 $27,173 $33,356 $42,603
Job $936 $1,036 $1,153 $1,106 $1,474 $1,773 $1,926 $105 $28
Loan $11,604 $9,861 $10,271 $10,048 $12,176 $12,901 $12,184 $11,968 $13,941 $28,432
Total $41,291 $41,770 $44,286 $43,112 $47,237 $48,659 $48,033 $39,247 $47,324 $71,036
Grant $25,536 $27,161 $30,707 $30,297 $32,794 $33,553 $37,496 $35,669 $41,628 $40,817
Job $446 $427 $721 $796 $495 $540 $348 $188 $274 $727
Loan $66,194 $69,100 $71,787 $74,413 $75,168 $72,517 $71,451 $64,928 $65,769 $70,145
Total $92,176 $96,689 $103,215 $105,506 $108,457 $106,610 $109,295 $100,786 $107,670 $111,690
Grant $26,090 $29,723 $29,709 $27,293 $26,505 $28,288 $31,640 $32,273 $33,074 $33,285
Job $1 $1 $4 $1
Loan $11,774 $11,864 $13,925 $14,948 $14,034 $14,461 $13,873 $13,480 $14,535 $15,823
Total $37,866 $41,588 $43,634 $42,241 $40,538 $42,753 $45,512 $45,754 $47,609 $49,108
Public Health
Grant $18,151 $19,059 $20,916 $17,812 $17,241 $16,198 $15,849 $15,503 $17,618 $18,429
Job $82 $93 $106 $142 $184 $625 $263 $157 $164 $164
Loan $7,230 $6,741 $8,056 $8,904 $9,657 $11,708 $7,372 $7,730 $8,426 $9,432
Total $25,463 $25,893 $29,077 $26,858 $27,081 $28,531 $23,484 $23,390 $26,207 $28,025
Grant $1,806 $1,987 $2,622 $3,171 $4,016 $4,387 $3,506 $4,593 $4,387 $4,049
Loan $4,617 $5,151 $6,299 $6,929 $8,743 $9,203 $10,764 $10,186 $9,970 $9,900
Total $6,423 $7,138 $8,921 $10,100 $12,759 $13,590 $14,269 $14,779 $14,358 $13,949
Grant $141 $195 $187 $172
Job $23 $40 $34 $37
Loan $1,609 $1,549 $1,464 $1,421
Total $1,772 $1,784 $1,684 $1,629
University Total
Total $754,894 $774,117 $806,649 $835,572 $865,987 $901,436 $927,601 $853,429 $983,672 $1,056,404
College loans include parental loans.
FY2021 coincides with the year of the year of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Business excludes outside employee support.
Since 2019, the A.R.T. Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University is no longer accepting students.
Source: OIRA Financial Aid Data Collection

Last updated 2/23/24 | Download PDF of this Table